Cheryl Hill-Lavalle - a.k.a. "Tandera" - Empowerment & Evolution Facilitator, Career Counselor, Intuitive, Channel, Author and Speaker.
Former CEO of the S.H.E Centre Corporation's "Nature Retreat Experience" and creator "Life Purpose Profiles" and "Discover your Genius, Purpose & Passion" Workshops

Call 1-877-AND-HEAL (263-4325)
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to book a FREE "Introductory Call" and see the personal programs available
Offering gifts, coaching and workshops dedicated to increasing your "Mastery" - gaining confidence, empowerment, optimum health and prosperity to achieve your personal and business goals!
Personal Discovery Sessions
Gain the tools for your personal empowerment & evolution through a personal discovery session.

It's been said "humans can only access & use 1/10th of their brain". It's also been said that "there is nothing you need to learn, as all the truth is within us". The problem has been that most of us don't know how to access that 90% or utlize it's stored information and power. Most people don't believe in themselves and their ability to self-heal. Most people need "facilitators", someone they trust and believe in, before they can activate their own healing and knowing within.
It has been found, after a personal discovery session, you will find increased "synchronicity" and if you follow the guidance, will be able to tap into your own 90% and be well on your way to self-mastery.
Each self-discovery session is broken down into a number of key components, but as each discovery session is a personal journey, these sessions can be tailored to address your own specific needs and concerns.
What is included in a Basic Personal Discovery Session:
Discover your True Self: Together we take a look at influences in your life and the forces which makes up who you are and why your life has taken the course it has, keeping in mind that every experience holds a lesson for us to accept or overcome.
Uncover your Life Purpose: Discover your chosen life purpose and the special skills you possess to fullfill it
Pinpoint your best career choices: By looking at your unique talents we'll uncover the best career choices and best work environments for your personal well-being and greatest potential for success.
Understand your personal karma: Find the karma you came into this life with and learn how to overcome the obstacles karma creates
Tools to Self-Healing: We'll discuss the the keys to self-healing and tools to make self-healing and empowerment a reality in your own life.
Atlantean Activation: Recieve a cellular "nudge" for your evolution and the possible discovery of a past life connection.

Additional Personal Discovery Session Topics
You can also create your own personal discovery session by choosing from the topics below (each topic can be taken individually or combined in a single personal discovery session). Fees based on topics and time involved (phone sessions also available).
A "how to" for stress, healing & your connection to your Higher Self
What is channeling and our personal guides? Receive a message from the other side
Native American Teachings
Experience ancient native american ceremonies and a personal drumming journey
World Predictions & Earth Changes
Know what is happening, what is coming and how to prepare
Universal Law & Energy Activations
Find out how to attract abundance, love and good health
Past Lives
Discover some of your past lives and experience an Alantean activation
Contact us today TOLL FREE at 1-877-AND-HEAL (1-877-263-4325) or email us through our online contact form for more information and to schedule your own
"Personal Self-Discovery Session"
"It was wonderfully personal and spiritual. I was spoiled with Cheryls time, knowledge, and gifts. I leave with a new direction in my life" ~ C. Quayle
"...I have learned who I am. The personal program catered to my intentions to heal and be inspired. Thank you Cheryl..." ~ T.Macleod
"I am thankful for having been given this gift of love and peace. My eyes have been opened to new and wonderful possibilities, which I know will help me now, and in all future experiences. Thank you Cheryl for your patience & guidance" ~ D. Farmer