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Additional Empowerment Tools & Resources

Please answer the following quiz to see if you could benefit:

• Having a hard time getting the refund you deserve?

• Wonder if you should be signing a lengthy and complicated contract?

• Have unmanageable debt you are trying to deal with?

• Have questions on government subsidies, taxes owed, grants, pensions

or other concerns?

• Buying a home or signing a lease?

• Getting married or getting a divorce?

• Need a will, power of attorney or power of care agreement done?

• Buying a car and want to eliminate the unnecessary fees they often charge?

• Dealing with a motor vehicle accident or offense?

• Currently involved in any legal matter that you wish to be resolved in your favor?

• Have a lawyer/friend now, but one that does not specialize in the field

you need help with?


There are a hundred more questions that could be asked; however,

if you answered “YES” to any ONE of these questions you would definitely

save a lot of time and money by joining a group called “Legalshield”!


I've been a member for years. They personally saved me thousands of dollars

and hours of frustration dealing with many of these issues.




1).  You would have one of the most prestigious and sought-after law firms in your province or

state working FOR YOU – offering free advice and council

on ANY legal matter 24 HOURS/DAY!


2).  You could call them, anytime and get the very lawyer

who “specializes” in the field you require, getting

not only free advice, but free phone calls and letters that could be sent

on your behalf, to resolve the issue once and for all.


3).  You could have all other legal documents and contracts reviewed

and adjusted in your favor (also at no cost).


4).  You'd also find there is NO  WAITING PERIOD

and you could utilize their services

"IMMEDIATELY" after joining


You could have all this AND MORE for your entire family

for just $29.95 /month


The only “catch”? - You have to be sponsored by a “member”


 For more information go to: (.com if U.S.)

(Feel free to tell your FRIENDS -- THEY can benefit ALSO!)


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